1. 2023 MMA Reunion, Washington DC
  2. MMA 2022 Reunion Nashville Photos
  3. MMA Colorado 2021 Reunion Photos
  4. Coward Seaman Earns High Naval Award
  5. Unveiling the Mystery of Project Mariner
  6. Journey of the SP-5B Marlin at the Naval Museum
  7. Guardians of the Sea: The Martin P5M-2 Marlin in French
  8. Life of a VP-50 Ground Pounder
  9. History Up Close with the SP-5B Marlin – Video
  10. VP48 II – Ramp launch and takeoffs. San Diego Bay
  11. Last Flight VP48
  13. 2 MiGs vs. 1 PBM
  14. Patrol Squadron 50 Aircraft Accident Report, April 1959
  15. Ascarate Lake Takeoff
  16. In Memory of ATCM Roy Burton Carthen
  17. Thank God For a Sense of Humor
  18. The Bilge Pump
  19. Cavite Philippines Near Sangley Point: Then and Now
  20. VWC Eagle Pin Ceremony, Norfolk Reunion
  21. How to Ditch a Bomber at Sea CDR Charles H. Zilch, USN (Ret), Stanton, MI
  22. Farm Boy to Seaplanes
  23. Vietnam Recalled
  24. The Last Flight of the Convair R3Y Tradewind Seaplane 1958
  25. VP–56ers REUNITE IN NORFOLK: A Seaplane Story by Russ Farris
  26. You Never Know who Lives Next Door
  27. The Seamaster Remembered
  28. The Forgotten Era of Men & Vessels: Australia Goes to War
  29. A New Challenge, Coin That Is
  30. The Training Flight I Would Never Wish to Experience Again
  31. A “First Timer” Reflects on the MMA Reunion
  32. Step by Step: Putting Together a PBM-5 Mariner
  33. In The Naval Service During WWII, Brothers Meet Far From Home
  34. Saving U.S.S. Greer
  35. Last of the Big Boats
  36. Safe Landing in South Bay
  37. Appointment at Aparri
  38. Responce to “The Japanese Surrender of Wake Island.”
  39. VP-50’s Marlin Interview, December 1964
  40. The Japanese Surrender of Wake Island
  41. Huge Gap in VP-22 History
  42. The Last Mariner Deployment
  43. History of the Mariners and Marlin in the U.S. Coast Guard
  44. It’s wearisome, but Air Patrols Vital To Interdict Foe’s Seaborne Supplies
  45. Hurricane Flying
  46. 1950 PBM Mariner Aircraft Art
  47. 2011 MMA Reunion Photos
  48. The $5,000.00 Photograph
  49. April 4-6, 2011 the Centennial of Naval Aviation
  50. New President of the MMA
  51. Hangar Bay One Opens to Public 11-10-2010
  52. 54B Operations in the Salton Sea
  53. Japanese Sign Final Surrender
  54. The Long Way Home
  55. Experimenting with Landing Gear in 1945
  56. Charleston to Alameda, Via the Seaplane Route
  57. High and Dry
  58. P5M-2 Restoration
  1. 2023 MMA Reunion, Washington DC
  2. MMA 2022 Reunion Nashville Photos
  3. MMA Colorado 2021 Reunion Photos
  4. Coward Seaman Earns High Naval Award
  5. Unveiling the Mystery of Project Mariner
  6. Journey of the SP-5B Marlin at the Naval Museum
  7. Guardians of the Sea: The Martin P5M-2 Marlin in French
  8. Life of a VP-50 Ground Pounder
  9. History Up Close with the SP-5B Marlin – Video
  10. VP48 II – Ramp launch and takeoffs. San Diego Bay
  11. Last Flight VP48
  13. 2 MiGs vs. 1 PBM
  14. Patrol Squadron 50 Aircraft Accident Report, April 1959
  15. Ascarate Lake Takeoff
  16. In Memory of ATCM Roy Burton Carthen
  17. Thank God For a Sense of Humor
  18. The Bilge Pump
  19. Cavite Philippines Near Sangley Point: Then and Now
  20. VWC Eagle Pin Ceremony, Norfolk Reunion
  21. How to Ditch a Bomber at Sea CDR Charles H. Zilch, USN (Ret), Stanton, MI
  22. Farm Boy to Seaplanes
  23. Vietnam Recalled
  24. The Last Flight of the Convair R3Y Tradewind Seaplane 1958
  25. VP–56ers REUNITE IN NORFOLK: A Seaplane Story by Russ Farris
  26. You Never Know who Lives Next Door
  27. The Seamaster Remembered
  28. The Forgotten Era of Men & Vessels: Australia Goes to War
  29. A New Challenge, Coin That Is
  30. The Training Flight I Would Never Wish to Experience Again
  31. A “First Timer” Reflects on the MMA Reunion
  32. Step by Step: Putting Together a PBM-5 Mariner
  33. In The Naval Service During WWII, Brothers Meet Far From Home
  34. Saving U.S.S. Greer
  35. Last of the Big Boats
  36. Safe Landing in South Bay
  37. Appointment at Aparri
  38. Responce to “The Japanese Surrender of Wake Island.”
  39. VP-50’s Marlin Interview, December 1964
  40. The Japanese Surrender of Wake Island
  41. Huge Gap in VP-22 History
  42. The Last Mariner Deployment
  43. History of the Mariners and Marlin in the U.S. Coast Guard
  44. It’s wearisome, but Air Patrols Vital To Interdict Foe’s Seaborne Supplies
  45. Hurricane Flying
  46. 1950 PBM Mariner Aircraft Art
  47. 2011 MMA Reunion Photos
  48. The $5,000.00 Photograph
  49. April 4-6, 2011 the Centennial of Naval Aviation
  50. New President of the MMA
  51. Hangar Bay One Opens to Public 11-10-2010
  52. 54B Operations in the Salton Sea
  53. Japanese Sign Final Surrender
  54. The Long Way Home
  55. Experimenting with Landing Gear in 1945
  56. Charleston to Alameda, Via the Seaplane Route
  57. High and Dry
  58. P5M-2 Restoration

Japanese Surrender- Amazing Footage Sept 2, 1945…

Very moving considering what happened prior to this event…

This is a ‘must see’ for the WWII history buff or anyone interested in history. Interesting the other signers to the document, from New Zealand/Australia to Europe/Russia.

This is an actual film made of the surrender ceremony of the Japs to McArthur in Tokyo Bay in September 1945. Actual voice of the General. Never been shown to the general public before. We always saw the “stills” but never the film itself.

Historical Footage: Japanese Surrender Signing Aboard Battleship Missouri Sunday Sept. 2, 1945.
An important piece of history.


News reel of the surrender ceremony on board the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay on September 2, 1945. Background music is “With Honour Crowned”.


Doug Watts March 27, 2011 at 18:46

VPB 208 was stationed aboard the tender USS Hamlin, Shimawan Bay, Okinawa. The morning of Sept.2,1945 our PBM was ordered to Yokosuka Naval base to do recon flights around Honshu. Since we didn’t know what to expect, our pilot, Lt.
Mckibbon, ordered all guns manned and ready. Our flight pattern to Yokosuka took us right over Tokyo Bay. I was in the tail turret and the sight I saw will never be forgotten! Our altitude was almost roof-top level on the last leg of our approach and it looked like the whole Pacific was in port; carriers, battleships, cruisers, destroyers,etc. was all spread out before me. Then the ultimate, the Missouri came into view and I looked down on the actual signing of the surrender !
To my left I also noticed metal buildings with large POW signs painted on their rooftops ( So they wouldn’t get bombed ). A very eventful day!

Ella July 2, 2015 at 08:39

It’s a joy to find soneome who can think like that

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