1. 2023 MMA Reunion, Washington DC
  2. MMA 2022 Reunion Nashville Photos
  3. MMA Colorado 2021 Reunion Photos
  4. Coward Seaman Earns High Naval Award
  5. Unveiling the Mystery of Project Mariner
  6. Journey of the SP-5B Marlin at the Naval Museum
  7. Guardians of the Sea: The Martin P5M-2 Marlin in French
  8. Life of a VP-50 Ground Pounder
  9. History Up Close with the SP-5B Marlin – Video
  10. VP48 II – Ramp launch and takeoffs. San Diego Bay
  11. Last Flight VP48
  13. 2 MiGs vs. 1 PBM
  14. Patrol Squadron 50 Aircraft Accident Report, April 1959
  15. Ascarate Lake Takeoff
  16. In Memory of ATCM Roy Burton Carthen
  17. Thank God For a Sense of Humor
  18. The Bilge Pump
  19. Cavite Philippines Near Sangley Point: Then and Now
  20. VWC Eagle Pin Ceremony, Norfolk Reunion
  21. How to Ditch a Bomber at Sea CDR Charles H. Zilch, USN (Ret), Stanton, MI
  22. Farm Boy to Seaplanes
  23. Vietnam Recalled
  24. The Last Flight of the Convair R3Y Tradewind Seaplane 1958
  25. VP–56ers REUNITE IN NORFOLK: A Seaplane Story by Russ Farris
  26. You Never Know who Lives Next Door
  27. The Seamaster Remembered
  28. The Forgotten Era of Men & Vessels: Australia Goes to War
  29. A New Challenge, Coin That Is
  30. The Training Flight I Would Never Wish to Experience Again
  31. A “First Timer” Reflects on the MMA Reunion
  32. Step by Step: Putting Together a PBM-5 Mariner
  33. In The Naval Service During WWII, Brothers Meet Far From Home
  34. Saving U.S.S. Greer
  35. Last of the Big Boats
  36. Safe Landing in South Bay
  37. Appointment at Aparri
  38. Responce to “The Japanese Surrender of Wake Island.”
  39. VP-50’s Marlin Interview, December 1964
  40. The Japanese Surrender of Wake Island
  41. Huge Gap in VP-22 History
  42. The Last Mariner Deployment
  43. History of the Mariners and Marlin in the U.S. Coast Guard
  44. It’s wearisome, but Air Patrols Vital To Interdict Foe’s Seaborne Supplies
  45. Hurricane Flying
  46. 1950 PBM Mariner Aircraft Art
  47. 2011 MMA Reunion Photos
  48. The $5,000.00 Photograph
  49. April 4-6, 2011 the Centennial of Naval Aviation
  50. New President of the MMA
  51. Hangar Bay One Opens to Public 11-10-2010
  52. 54B Operations in the Salton Sea
  53. Japanese Sign Final Surrender
  54. The Long Way Home
  55. Experimenting with Landing Gear in 1945
  56. Charleston to Alameda, Via the Seaplane Route
  57. High and Dry
  58. P5M-2 Restoration
  1. 2023 MMA Reunion, Washington DC
  2. MMA 2022 Reunion Nashville Photos
  3. MMA Colorado 2021 Reunion Photos
  4. Coward Seaman Earns High Naval Award
  5. Unveiling the Mystery of Project Mariner
  6. Journey of the SP-5B Marlin at the Naval Museum
  7. Guardians of the Sea: The Martin P5M-2 Marlin in French
  8. Life of a VP-50 Ground Pounder
  9. History Up Close with the SP-5B Marlin – Video
  10. VP48 II – Ramp launch and takeoffs. San Diego Bay
  11. Last Flight VP48
  13. 2 MiGs vs. 1 PBM
  14. Patrol Squadron 50 Aircraft Accident Report, April 1959
  15. Ascarate Lake Takeoff
  16. In Memory of ATCM Roy Burton Carthen
  17. Thank God For a Sense of Humor
  18. The Bilge Pump
  19. Cavite Philippines Near Sangley Point: Then and Now
  20. VWC Eagle Pin Ceremony, Norfolk Reunion
  21. How to Ditch a Bomber at Sea CDR Charles H. Zilch, USN (Ret), Stanton, MI
  22. Farm Boy to Seaplanes
  23. Vietnam Recalled
  24. The Last Flight of the Convair R3Y Tradewind Seaplane 1958
  25. VP–56ers REUNITE IN NORFOLK: A Seaplane Story by Russ Farris
  26. You Never Know who Lives Next Door
  27. The Seamaster Remembered
  28. The Forgotten Era of Men & Vessels: Australia Goes to War
  29. A New Challenge, Coin That Is
  30. The Training Flight I Would Never Wish to Experience Again
  31. A “First Timer” Reflects on the MMA Reunion
  32. Step by Step: Putting Together a PBM-5 Mariner
  33. In The Naval Service During WWII, Brothers Meet Far From Home
  34. Saving U.S.S. Greer
  35. Last of the Big Boats
  36. Safe Landing in South Bay
  37. Appointment at Aparri
  38. Responce to “The Japanese Surrender of Wake Island.”
  39. VP-50’s Marlin Interview, December 1964
  40. The Japanese Surrender of Wake Island
  41. Huge Gap in VP-22 History
  42. The Last Mariner Deployment
  43. History of the Mariners and Marlin in the U.S. Coast Guard
  44. It’s wearisome, but Air Patrols Vital To Interdict Foe’s Seaborne Supplies
  45. Hurricane Flying
  46. 1950 PBM Mariner Aircraft Art
  47. 2011 MMA Reunion Photos
  48. The $5,000.00 Photograph
  49. April 4-6, 2011 the Centennial of Naval Aviation
  50. New President of the MMA
  51. Hangar Bay One Opens to Public 11-10-2010
  52. 54B Operations in the Salton Sea
  53. Japanese Sign Final Surrender
  54. The Long Way Home
  55. Experimenting with Landing Gear in 1945
  56. Charleston to Alameda, Via the Seaplane Route
  57. High and Dry
  58. P5M-2 Restoration

by J R Taylor , ATN2, 2nd Tech, Crew 5, VP 50

About a thousand years ago I joined the Navy right out of high school for many reasons. Adventure, sure. To get out of the place I grew up in, sure. But mostly I was just sick of going to school and wanted something different. No college for me, no more books, no more studying, no more sitting in class.

Well……. the Navy, not paying any attention to what I wanted, proceeded to send me through 18 months of boot camp, A school, equipment schools, radio school and finally VP31. So much for no more schools.

I actually asked for, and got, seaplanes and Asia. Young as I was I figured out that seaplanes had to land somewhere other then aircraft carriers at night – and that somewhere had to have land, people, restaurants and bars nearby. Turned out that this was not always the case but still it was a lot better then living on an aircraft carrier.

Now you have the thirty second version of how I landed in VP50 Crew 5 as electronics tech. To all of you who were not selected for VP50 I’m sure you all did something useful too. There were lots of other squadrons, ships and bases that I assume served some purpose for the Navy – but we were in VP50.

In 1965 when we were getting ready to ship out for our first deployment to the Philippines and Vietnam the CO assembled the whole squadron in the North Island auditorium and told us that we were going to war and that some of us would very likely not make it back. We should have been scared, but we weren’t. We were quiet as we walked out but we were more excited then scared. Being young does that. We all just knew WE would be ok.

The Philippines were exciting. They were different and loud and colorful, it was freedom, but most of all it was exciting. We trained, we flew, we lived in old WW2 Quonset huts, and sometimes we even ate old WW2 boxed rations. We knew they were WW2 rations because the boxes were dated 1942. Our flight rations were older then I was. That was not always the case, sometimes we got decent box lunches and sometimes we actually cooked steak on board. But – sometimes we did get WW2 rations. My dad, or one of my uncles, might have taken a box out of the same shipment twenty five years earlier. That’s a little scary these days when everything has an expiration date on it, but we just shrugged, ate the good stuff, and tossed the rest. We were young and life was good.

We flew patrols in the Taiwan Straights and the Tonkin Gulf. Both were hot spots and both were dangerous but Vietnam was different. Vietnam was a beautiful country but in Cam Ranh Bay there were houses made from flattened beer cans. As flight crew we were lucky and didn’t have to see it up close and personal like the guys in the field. Flying seaplanes did have a few benefits. We anchored out in the middle of a gorgeous bay and we sat on the wing at night watching the stars in the sky and the tracers on land.

In Cam Ranh our officers lived on the tender but not the enlisted guys. We mostly lived on the plane and only used the seaplane tender for showers. We stayed on the plane, stood watches, slept up on the wing, swam in the ocean and lived on “supplies” we brought with us. Maybe in officer’s country on the tender everything did not taste like diesel fuel but it sure did in the enlisted quarters. The guys on the tenders had a tough job and they did it very well but where we got to come and go, they stayed, and stayed, and stayed. We could not have operated without the tenders but not one of us wanted to change places with them.

Our job in Vietnam was to stop arms shipments so we flew, we patrolled, we watched loaded ships going north and empty ships returning south. This is where I started to understand that politics and politicians often have agendas that defy logic or understanding, or even reason. But: our job was to fly, and so, we flew. We flew north and we flew south, we flew by night and we flew by day, we flew in good weather and we flew in bad weather and we got to know the Vietnam coastline pretty good in two tours. One time in 65 they even sent us up a river doing searchlight runs on enemy positions. The bad guys protested this by machine gunning us. You know, tracers really look just like they do in the movies. I still think they only missed us because they had never seen a seaplane before and we were so slow they misjudged our speed in the dark. As far as I know this was never tried again which was probably a really good decision. In our regular patrol route there were the islands where we usually were shot at – although the powers that be claimed it was cooking fires winking through the trees – Yah right. There were lots of fishing boats all just going about their normal business of fishing – Yah right. We challenged those ships heading north and they all responded as friendly – Yah right. We challenged the same ships returning south and they were still friendly – Yah right


In VP50 I made both the 65-66 and 66-67 deployments to the Philippines and Vietnam. I still believe that we did good by establishing our watch net along the coast but I also believe we could have done a lot more if we had been allowed to. We helped stop the takeover of Southeast Asia but Vietnam could have been saved too.

Vietnam was beautiful and tragic and exciting and boring and dangerous but we were young and this is what we did. We flew seaplanes and life was good.


William C. (Bill) Ferrill 111 May 21, 2018 at 23:03

J.R. Taylor
Finding your well done contribution here more than made my day. May 21, 2018. Your report on the flying, the enemy fire, the frustrating political restrictions, the exhilaration that was partly “our” youth was absolutely right on, and exactly specific, because we were part of the same crew. I was your PPC in the first tour, 1965-66. I saw our mechanic Bill Hoach before I left the Navy in 1968, and I see that our ace metal smith and joker John Pendleton has made some reunions. I have been in touch with co pilot Tyree who, like myself, had an airline career. We lost our excellent TACCO, Hoyle a few years ago. I sincerely believed we had a superior crew, and we did have some experiences didn’t we. If you did not know, ONLY the CO’s crew flew more Viet Nam missions and hours than Crew 5 did. If there were some times when you were scared, you might know we all were. That night up the river being one of them. I could
not have wanted a better crew member than you. Thank you. Bill Ferrill

Richard Lurk July 26, 2018 at 20:29

I wasn’t flight crew. I was a YN3 and worked in aministration/operations st North Island and Sangley Point RPI. Spent some time on the tenders well. We probably crossed paths a few times, like the China Fleet Club on Sangley Point. We need to meet at the next reunion….

Richard Lurk July 26, 2018 at 20:30

I wasn’t flight crew. I was a YN3 and worked in aministration/operations at North Island and Sangley Point RPI. Spent some time on the tenders as well. We probably crossed paths a few times, like the China Fleet Club on Sangley Point. We need to meet at the next reunion….

John Bellinger October 29, 2018 at 13:42

Great job Jim. I hope you got your air medal like some of the others in Crew 5. I did what I could as Admin Officer.

John Bellinger PPC Crew 5, VP-50

Timothy Achee December 12, 2018 at 17:36

Enjoyed reading this article. I was also in VP 50, Crew 9, and my time in the Navy was just as you described..

Doug C Miles December 15, 2018 at 15:24

Jim, as the crew 5 ordanceman for both tours with you I would just like to say that we had a “blast” didn’t we! It’s great to still be around to enjoy the sea stories! They get better and better each year.
I would also like to thank Commander Bellinger for his support over the years!
Doug Miles AO 2 – Crew 5, VP-50

Don Zickefoose, aka Ziggy May 17, 2019 at 12:42

I have often wondered how I would describe al the details of my time flying patrols around the Mekong Delta in Vietnam. Jim, you wrapped it up in a very neat package. Somethings I remembered and some I had forgotten. You are so right about being young and dumb as young sailors looking for action. This is a must read for my wife, Freda. Thanks, Jim

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