VP-50’s Marlin Interview, December 1964

VP-50’s Marlin Interview, December 1964

This is all about VP-50’s crew 2 single engine experiences in December 1964 while based at North Island, San Diego.

This is all about VP-50’s crew 2 single engine experiences in December 1964 while based at North Island, San Diego.


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  • gerald smith
    December 15, 2014, 12:08

    ( Formerly SG9ordie@yahoo.com)

    I was wondering what the serial number of that seaplane was.

  • Jim Lewis
    April 23, 2015, 20:35

    My memory says the last LQ5 was 145555… triple nickel 5..


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  • Robert Daley
    February 9, 2017, 13:17

    I was in VP 50 from 1955 to 1958 and was 1st radioman in SE4. We initially had PBM’s and in late 56 or early 57 switched to the P5M-2’s. what a relief to get away from those sea anchors. How many of you remember those? My name is Bob Daley and E-Mail is: daleybob17@yahoo.com

  • jack coiner AT3 vp42
    March 27, 2017, 13:15

    would someone id the crew members in the crew of the vp50 back bay single engine landing. Dec. ’64.