1. 2023 MMA Reunion, Washington DC
  2. MMA 2022 Reunion Nashville Photos
  3. MMA Colorado 2021 Reunion Photos
  4. Coward Seaman Earns High Naval Award
  5. Unveiling the Mystery of Project Mariner
  6. Journey of the SP-5B Marlin at the Naval Museum
  7. Guardians of the Sea: The Martin P5M-2 Marlin in French
  8. Life of a VP-50 Ground Pounder
  9. History Up Close with the SP-5B Marlin – Video
  10. VP48 II – Ramp launch and takeoffs. San Diego Bay
  11. Last Flight VP48
  13. 2 MiGs vs. 1 PBM
  14. Patrol Squadron 50 Aircraft Accident Report, April 1959
  15. Ascarate Lake Takeoff
  16. In Memory of ATCM Roy Burton Carthen
  17. Thank God For a Sense of Humor
  18. The Bilge Pump
  19. Cavite Philippines Near Sangley Point: Then and Now
  20. VWC Eagle Pin Ceremony, Norfolk Reunion
  21. How to Ditch a Bomber at Sea CDR Charles H. Zilch, USN (Ret), Stanton, MI
  22. Farm Boy to Seaplanes
  23. Vietnam Recalled
  24. The Last Flight of the Convair R3Y Tradewind Seaplane 1958
  25. VP–56ers REUNITE IN NORFOLK: A Seaplane Story by Russ Farris
  26. You Never Know who Lives Next Door
  27. The Seamaster Remembered
  28. The Forgotten Era of Men & Vessels: Australia Goes to War
  29. A New Challenge, Coin That Is
  30. The Training Flight I Would Never Wish to Experience Again
  31. A “First Timer” Reflects on the MMA Reunion
  32. Step by Step: Putting Together a PBM-5 Mariner
  33. In The Naval Service During WWII, Brothers Meet Far From Home
  34. Saving U.S.S. Greer
  35. Last of the Big Boats
  36. Safe Landing in South Bay
  37. Appointment at Aparri
  38. Responce to “The Japanese Surrender of Wake Island.”
  39. VP-50’s Marlin Interview, December 1964
  40. The Japanese Surrender of Wake Island
  41. Huge Gap in VP-22 History
  42. The Last Mariner Deployment
  43. History of the Mariners and Marlin in the U.S. Coast Guard
  44. It’s wearisome, but Air Patrols Vital To Interdict Foe’s Seaborne Supplies
  45. Hurricane Flying
  46. 1950 PBM Mariner Aircraft Art
  47. 2011 MMA Reunion Photos
  48. The $5,000.00 Photograph
  49. April 4-6, 2011 the Centennial of Naval Aviation
  50. New President of the MMA
  51. Hangar Bay One Opens to Public 11-10-2010
  52. 54B Operations in the Salton Sea
  53. Japanese Sign Final Surrender
  54. The Long Way Home
  55. Experimenting with Landing Gear in 1945
  56. Charleston to Alameda, Via the Seaplane Route
  57. High and Dry
  58. P5M-2 Restoration
  1. 2023 MMA Reunion, Washington DC
  2. MMA 2022 Reunion Nashville Photos
  3. MMA Colorado 2021 Reunion Photos
  4. Coward Seaman Earns High Naval Award
  5. Unveiling the Mystery of Project Mariner
  6. Journey of the SP-5B Marlin at the Naval Museum
  7. Guardians of the Sea: The Martin P5M-2 Marlin in French
  8. Life of a VP-50 Ground Pounder
  9. History Up Close with the SP-5B Marlin – Video
  10. VP48 II – Ramp launch and takeoffs. San Diego Bay
  11. Last Flight VP48
  13. 2 MiGs vs. 1 PBM
  14. Patrol Squadron 50 Aircraft Accident Report, April 1959
  15. Ascarate Lake Takeoff
  16. In Memory of ATCM Roy Burton Carthen
  17. Thank God For a Sense of Humor
  18. The Bilge Pump
  19. Cavite Philippines Near Sangley Point: Then and Now
  20. VWC Eagle Pin Ceremony, Norfolk Reunion
  21. How to Ditch a Bomber at Sea CDR Charles H. Zilch, USN (Ret), Stanton, MI
  22. Farm Boy to Seaplanes
  23. Vietnam Recalled
  24. The Last Flight of the Convair R3Y Tradewind Seaplane 1958
  25. VP–56ers REUNITE IN NORFOLK: A Seaplane Story by Russ Farris
  26. You Never Know who Lives Next Door
  27. The Seamaster Remembered
  28. The Forgotten Era of Men & Vessels: Australia Goes to War
  29. A New Challenge, Coin That Is
  30. The Training Flight I Would Never Wish to Experience Again
  31. A “First Timer” Reflects on the MMA Reunion
  32. Step by Step: Putting Together a PBM-5 Mariner
  33. In The Naval Service During WWII, Brothers Meet Far From Home
  34. Saving U.S.S. Greer
  35. Last of the Big Boats
  36. Safe Landing in South Bay
  37. Appointment at Aparri
  38. Responce to “The Japanese Surrender of Wake Island.”
  39. VP-50’s Marlin Interview, December 1964
  40. The Japanese Surrender of Wake Island
  41. Huge Gap in VP-22 History
  42. The Last Mariner Deployment
  43. History of the Mariners and Marlin in the U.S. Coast Guard
  44. It’s wearisome, but Air Patrols Vital To Interdict Foe’s Seaborne Supplies
  45. Hurricane Flying
  46. 1950 PBM Mariner Aircraft Art
  47. 2011 MMA Reunion Photos
  48. The $5,000.00 Photograph
  49. April 4-6, 2011 the Centennial of Naval Aviation
  50. New President of the MMA
  51. Hangar Bay One Opens to Public 11-10-2010
  52. 54B Operations in the Salton Sea
  53. Japanese Sign Final Surrender
  54. The Long Way Home
  55. Experimenting with Landing Gear in 1945
  56. Charleston to Alameda, Via the Seaplane Route
  57. High and Dry
  58. P5M-2 Restoration

by Bob Parshall

This is all about VP-50’s crew 2 single engine experiences in December 1964 while based at North Island, San Diego.
I suggest looking at the DVD first as it basically tells the whole story.

(www.marinermarlin.org/?p=608)  I was the PPC of crew 2 and the safety officer of VP-50, ’62-’65.  I got out of the Navy in about April or May of ’65.
The following comments have to with things about our single engine return to North Island not mentioned in the DVD.  I will mention at this point how the DVD came about.  The event received a lot of attention with headlines in the newspaper, radio news, and T.V. coverage.  The T.V. crews were there as soon as we were up the ramp.  I was interviewed a little later at my home in Chula Vista.  My brother-in-law knew the people at the T.V. station (I married a San Diego girl, still married to her at 53 years.)  So he got the 16mm film they had when it was no longer news.  I kept it for many years but never looked at it as I didn’t have a projector.  Then VCR became available so I had the film put onto a VCR tape that I could look at.  More years passed and DVD’s came out and I had it transferred from the VCR tape to DVD’s (I made Several DVDs).
In December of 1964 we were in route to our base in North Island on a routine mission, and at an altitude of 3500’ when the first engine started backfiring, a loss of power and a fire broke out with about 510 miles to go. We rapidly lost altitude and were able to maintain the P5M at 300’, when we quickly realized that the plane could not be trimmed properly.  This meant that we (the co-pilot Chamber and I) had to use considerable arm and leg input to the controls to maintain a better speed.  The strength required such that we traded flying the plane every thirty minutes.  Even so we slipped down to 200’ twice and added take off power to get back to 300’.  This was no drill, this was for real.  Open sea landings at night were not advised particularly with one engine.  This is the way it was for 4 ½ hours.

After the engine failed we were headed back I had to determine the amount of fuel to keep and how much to dump.  We were still descending at this point and could not stay airborne at this weight.  I got the numbers from Vaneli the TACO with his best estimate of time to home base.  Using our manuals we came up with a number of the amount of fuel we needed, I decided to add 100lbs of fuel as a cushion of fudge factor.  It turned out to be one of the best decisions I ever made.  Many years later at a Reunion I met with Tex Young who was 1st mechanic at that time.  He related to me a most interesting story; after the plane was up the ramp, he needed to determine what condition the engine was in after it’s 4 ½ hour run at maximum continues power.  He started the engine but it immediately stopped.  He tried it again and it stopped again.  The fuel gage showed over 100lbs in the tank.  He then checked the tank visually and it was empty!  Had I not added the 100lbs of fudge factor fuel the outcome would have been much different.  We would have landed several miles short of South Bay in open water.  Who knows what condition we would have been in.

A couple almost humorous incidents happened on our long way back.  One concerned Bobby Young the second mechanic, he was always trying to be helpful and at one point came up to check the cockpit and was using the engine analyzer which showed the condition of the spark plugs.  He was calling out this plug is fouling, another is breaking down, or one is missing.  This was not good news so I said “turn that thing off! I don’t want to hear it. There is nothing I can do about it if the engine quits we only have about 45 seconds until we hit the water.”

Another story I was told even later by Vangeli concerned the third pilot Cavaness; First remember adrenalin was running very high and we were all trying to reduce weight as much as possible.  Cavaness thought the toilet should go, so he reached down, grabbed it, and tore it off the deck, not bothering to remove the screws holding it down.  Then in a further effort to reduce weight which would help us maintain altitude and speed, after we were at 300’ I ordered all the parachutes thrown overboard unless anyone wanted to keep his, at 300’ the chutes would be useless.  All the chutes went over the side.
After the safe landing in South Bay I signed Chits for over $100,000 of gear that was “lost at sea”.

More on this articles and more are found in the Fall 2012 MMA Newsletter.

Safe Landing in South Bay / Bob Parshall
MMA Association’s 2013 Reunion – Branson, Mo
Official Record: Fourth VP-44 / Dictionary of American Naval Aviation Squadrons – Volume 2, by Michael D. Roberts
An Elegy Poem / Frederick J. Frank
Travels With Charlie / CAPT Carl Swickley, USCG (Ret.)  Foundation, Volume22, Number1, Spring 2001
Last of the Big Boats – The National Musuem of Naval Aviation’s SP-5B Marlin / Hill Goodspeed, Museum Historian
Historic Aircraft – Flying Boats at War / Norman Polmar, Author, Ships and Aircraft of the U.S. Fleet

Annual membership in the Mariner/Marlin Association entitles members to receive four issues of the Newsletter.

Click here to find out how to become a member.


jack coiner AT3 vp42 September 12, 2016 at 13:08

re: safe landing in so. bay . Dec. 64

the a/c shows assigned to vp 50.
several of the crew members look familiar; members who I flew with in vp 42 / 57′-60′
could some one provide with names of those crew members shown in the photo.
jack coiner 626 617 0475/ or e-mail

Walt Nygard February 5, 2017 at 14:23

Hi Jack,

I saw your name in the Marlin /Martin organization. Your name sounds familiar, I was in VP-42 from 1959 to 1960, as an AE3. Do you have access to any photos of the squadron members. I remember on morning at roll call, they took a photo of all of us in front of one of the aircraft. I was on the side of the hangar facing Point Loma. Wow, that was 58 years ago. I’m lucky to remember my name. I do remember another member by the name of Jack Miller, he was from California. Time sure passes fast. By the way my name is Walt Nygard, then I was from Connecticut now I am in Port St Lucie, Fl. My email is nygardw@comcast.net .Hope to hear from you soon.

Robert Mistron June 23, 2017 at 15:07

I have Photo in front of aircraft with the V P 42 Electrical shop people. Also a photo of Shop Chief 1960 or 61 No Names I was an A E 3 Crueman R B 2

Walt Nygard December 16, 2017 at 09:45

Hi Rob,
Great, I was probably in that Photo. Can you scan it and email me a copy. Thanks.

Walt Nygard, VP-42, AEM

jack coiner December 24, 2017 at 11:06

Hi, Walt. sorry I didn’t respond to your first msg. I was assigned to VP 42 in ’56 and mustered out in Oct. 59.AT3 crews 7 and 5. Did a short time in Crew 1.

Re. the back bay incident, I feel fairly sure I reconized VP 42 crew members.

In june 59 I lost my plane to an oil leak fire in Manila Bay. Crew 5.

Merry Christmas to all you VP 42 ‘rs.

Walt Nygard January 18, 2018 at 06:20

Hi Robert Mistron,

Can you send me a scanned copy of the VP-42 photo by email?

Walt Nygard

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